This is a video I put together for my final project in my Communications Technology class during my freshman year at Spring Arbor University. It was created for a text-based video game my brother was working on titled “Lothenshire.” He made quite the amount of advancements on it and released two official levels for it. Sadly after the first two levels were released  it was lost in production and it fell through the cracks, but regardless, I had had blast putting this together, and I think people can  get an understanding of what Lothenshire is through this trailer.

I did everything in the video from the writing, filming, production, and I’m even one of the actors in the video. I also created the animated text that displays at the ending from scratch using Adobe After Effects, and I thought it added a nice touch to the video and helped establish the mood of the video. Also, while I did not create the game itself, I did actually create the logo that is displayed at the top of the computer screen towards the beginning of the movie.

Lothenshire Video

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